(949) 216-0221
Activities cancelled? Athletics put on hold?
Juniors. . .use the down time to get a jump on the "Recommendation" and "Activities" sections of
your college application.
Letters of Recommendation from school counselors, teachers or other recommenders are required by many colleges.
To assist recommenders in completing these letters for you, students are usually required to complete a Letter of Recommendation packet. This packet gives the recommender information about your interests, activities, and how you spend your time outside the classroom. A well-written Letter of Recommendation packet can set the stage for a great recommendation letter.
Much of the same information that goes into a Letter of Recommendation packet will also be requested in your college application. Gathering this information into a concise and well-organized student resume early on will save time and decrease stress later on.
Register now for our 1-hour online Letter of Recommendation workshop and get ahead in the game. You'll be glad you did!
Course fee: $150. Curriculum details below. Multiple dates available.